Sunday, June 4, 2017

Peter Hitchens on Oak Apple Day

A very moving meditation on a forgotten English tradition, and on tradition in general.


  1. Séamus(Australia)June 6, 2017 at 6:07 AM

    Not such a bad thing that the antiCatholic liturgies were abolished from the Anglican prayer book.
    You may have received a photo I sent of a sign in a park near our church making note of the Irish community Rugby Club in Perth. I sent it partly because you mentioned National identity and sport -not meaning Rugby,I know, but still...- in the conservatives forum.
    You might be happy to hear that they rang St Anne's today out of the blue asking if a priest could come and bless the team or field. I've only seen them from the distance, but they seen to be mostly young fellows who would have come to WA during the last mining boom, so there you go: They still have it in them. Or maybe they're desperate for a win

    1. Ha! Ha! Yes, thanks for that, and I'm glad to hear that they are turning to God! Hopefully it's not just tactical or self-interested!
