Tuesday, October 18, 2022

No Comment

"Dear blog reader, how did you like my latest posts?"

"No comment."

"Too vague? Too eccentric? Too dreamy?"

"No comment."

"Should I do more book reviews?"

"I must repeat I have no comment at this time."

"Just a few lines, dear reader. One line. A few words."

"I'm very sorry. I have absolutely no comment at this time."

"When will you have a comment?"

"No comment."

"But it's so discouraging. It's like talking into the void."

"Cry me a river, buddy."

"First world problems, I get it. But it would be nice to know somebody was out there."

"I can't comment on that either way."


"OK, that's just hysterical."

"Was that a comment?"


"Could you make it a comment?"


"But Edward Feser gets DOZENS of comments. Why does he get dozens of comments?"

"Because he's a Thomistic scholar who makes actual arguments. There's something to get hold of. What am I supposed to say when write long rhapsodies about snowglobes and the wonders of everyday life? Half the time I don't know what you're talking about, and I suspect you don't either."

"I see your point. But you see, I'm trying to steer clear of controversy. Controversy is so easy. All I'd have to do is bash the Pope, or bash the people bashing the Pope--"

"Ah, so I get it. You want to avoid anything resembling clickbait or pandering, but then you complain that you don't get feedback. See the contradiction?"

"I guess so."

"By the way, that wasn't a comment."

"Yeah, I get it."


  1. Maolsheachlann,

    I've particularly appreciated your recent blog posts — an oasis in the storm of polemic and distraction — but have been quite busy lately so have not had time to comment. But please be assured that they are being read.

    Your post of the 20th September, 'Starting again with Jesus', particularly resonated with me.


  2. Help me set up a new political party to kick IRA gangland arse out of Ireland. James Healy

    1. I don't think I'd be much help in that regard. Good luck though!

  3. I commented the last time you (more explicitly) asked for comments, saying that I very much appreciate your thoughts. I stand by that comment. However, I must say that either this blog is an outlet (artistic) or it is not. If the yes, then, like all artists who submit their creations for public consumption, you, if truly an artist, are compelled to lay bare your soul for others to see and that's that. The laying bare, the self-emptying (the kenotic act), is every bit the artistic gesture as the creation and the creative process is in of itself. Nothing expected in return. It's there for the taking of leaving. Nothing more, nothing less. All art is dialogic. All being is dialogic. The Said is what constitutes. The Said, notice, and not the saying, and nor the answer. We're listening. We're hearing.

    1. I liked this comment very much! Thank you. A salutary reminder.
