Friday, April 5, 2024

Not-So-Vital Statistics

Encouraged by an archivist friend, I've recently made back-up copies of everything I've ever posted on this blog. It was a big undertaking.

It meant that I could finally count how many words I've actually written here. I've long wondered about this, but as far as I can see, you can't get this information from Blogger's software.

Well, here goes. Up to my last post, I had written 1,503,723 words on this blog.

I was rather surprised the wordcount wasn't considerably higher.

As for other statistics: I've published 1,962 posts, I've had 4,305 comments (thank you), and I've had 974,995 pageviews (go raibh maith agat).

Sometimes I feel a bit disconsolate at how "niche" this blog has remained. However, I remind myself that it's possibly more widely read than I can tell from comments. I was engaged in some library-related correspondence with an academic in America, some months ago, and was surprised when he recognised my name from this blog, which he told me he'd read in the past. A handful of times, down the years, students in UCD have recognised me from the blog. So I take encouragement from that.

(The picture is Angus Loughran or "Statto", the resident statistician from the 1990's TV show Fantasy Football League.)


  1. Very glad to hear this. One-and-a-half-million words is very impressive! I'm sure your blog has a wider influence than the Blogger console suggests... and also a deeper influence.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I like to think it has. Faith!
