Monday, May 27, 2024

Back to Ordinary Time

Now that the (notional) octave of Pentecost is over, I'm going green for Ordinary Time.

It probably makes sense for the background to be green anyway, given that the blog title is Irish Papist.

I reserve the right to depart from the proper liturgical colours for future celebrations, both sacred and secular.


  1. The idea of unordinary ordinariness came to me yesterday when coming across the verses about Christ entering the synagogue in Nazareth and being recognised as the local carpenter. Contrast to the Presentation image- the fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy that God would enter His Temple, two people, no matter how humble in circumstances, were mystically prepared for this moment through their long lives.
    God entered His Temple.
    He also enters His Synagogue and nobody notices.

    1. I have always wanted to know more about Simeon and Anna, their backstory, what form their knowledge of Jesus took, and so forth.
