Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Church of the Three Patrons, Rathgar



  1. St Bernadette always seems to do well. A worthy edifice for the Three Patrons

    1. I couldn't really get how lovely the Bernadette statue is into the photograph. She has a kind of glistening glass in her eyes that looks like tears. I'm sure some people would find it gaudy but I like it very much.

  2. The altar is very beautiful of course, I've heard much debate recently on the old thronums- it's said that, by Rome, they were never really meant to be placed permanently over the tabernacle, unless separated by some space, temporary thrones for exposition were more correct. Despite this many were made in marble. Impossible to see in the photo whether the accepted space existed. Beautiful work though
    In a city with less Irish Saint church dedications it was a good choice of name

    1. I've never been heard the term "thronum" and I couldn't even find it on an internet search! Where do these debates take place?

      It's certainly an interesting name. I understand there are actually strict rules for naming chuches but it might predate those.

  3. It's the canopy above the tabernacle which a monstrance was often put in during long exposition, if the forty hours was done before Ash Wednesday or around Corpus Christi or whatever a bishop allowed.
