Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Give me a Boost

If you like my Advent Calendar poems, please consider sharing them on Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social networking platforms I can't keep up with. And if you're not on any of these....what the heck? It's, like, the twenty-first century! What are you, old or something?

I'm thinking of taking this blog more in the direction of poems and prayers to mark the liturgical calendar. That's the territory I'm drifting into myself. I find myself thinking: instead of talking to each other (or to the outside world) about God, let us raise our hearts and minds together to God. Peter Hitchens says somewhere that the case for faith is better made poetry than through prose. He was using the term 'poetry' in a broad sense, of course, but literal poetry is surely a part of that.

I hope nobody thinks, from me writing this, that I'm saying that believers have to resort to the power of suggestion because they have no rational arguments. Anyone who browses the extensive archives of this blog will see I have typed thousands upon thousands of words defending the Catholic faith from all angles of criticism, in the prosiest manner possible. I'm not quite saying that everything I have written seems like straw to me now. But I increasingly think that faith is a gift-- and that, unlike most gifts, the Giver of this one wants you to re-gift it. (I am of course speaking figuratively. It is always a gift from God.)

And gifts come with wrapping paper and a bow. They don't usually come with a label saying, "Gotcha!".

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for an interesting contribution. I think that rational argument has an important role to play in evangelism. In particular, this approach is relevant when discussing the Faith with those who are lapsed, or switched off but not antagonistic. The "I never thought of it that way before" experience can make some people stop in their tracks and think about issues that may never have crossed their minds before, or at least in recent times. Moreover, when dogma is swept under the carpet by many bishops and priests there can be great ignorance about what the Church believes and teaches. Paul
