Friday, September 20, 2024

Have I Evangelized?

I've been watching this video with Jimmy Akin and a vlogger called The Religious Hippie and it's led me to wonder if I've ever really evangelized.

I've written a lot about Catholicism in various media and I certainly speak to people about my faith. I don't know for sure that I've led a single person any closer to the Faith.

I suppose we are not required to succeed, only to try. I hope I have not done the opposite.

I was glad to hear Jimmy Akin talk about "soft evangelization", which is what he does with his Mysterious World podcast. I know a lot of content on this blog isn't explicitly religious. I write about what interests me. But I do hope, sometimes, that someone will come on a post that interests them for other reasons and the fact that it's on a Catholic blog might incline them towards the Faith.

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