Friday, January 26, 2024

A Petition for More Public Bathrooms in Dublin

This has become something of a hobby-horse of mine in recent year, so I decided to start a petition on the subject.

Who knows whether it will reach the dizzy heights of my previous petition, asking RTE to bring back the national anthem at the end of the day's programming? Five people signed that!

Can we make it six this time? Help me out, mates, and sign here.


  1. I remember when there were many public toilets in the centre of Dublin, mostly underground on O'Connell Street and along the quays. The Corporation had to close them because of the amount of nefarious activities happening there as well as rampant vandalism. Perhaps small discreet on-street facilities like Paris has/had? for single individuals at a time might work.

    1. I remember them too. I'm pretty sure I remember the ones under the statue of Thomas Moore, though perhaps I just assume it was those because of Joyce's "Meeting of the Waters" joke.
