Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Church of St. Philip the Apostle, Clonsilla

As this is fifteen minutes' walk from Blanchardstown Shopping Centre, I've included a picture of the shopping centre oratory at the end.


  1. Nice to see a younger congregation at St Phillips. Some stylish pieces there.
    Strange seeing the altar to one side in the oratory; I have my doubts about the canonical correctness of that, even if it isn't a church per se if if it's considered a centre for outside-of-mass adoration.

    1. There was actually quite a big congregation in St. Philip's. The photos were from about ten minutes before Mass. In Ireland everybody turns up late to everything, of course (which drives me crazy).

      Good point about the altar. There is actually Mass in the oratory at one o'clock every day. I would have gone that day except I had to be somewhere else. I'd love to see that. I love small cosy Masses.
