Thursday, July 25, 2024

Something Stupid

Going through your drafts folder is very diverting. At least, for me. And generates blog content!

I've long had a fascination with the phrase "the eternal debate", and the concept behind it. So much so, that I once started making a spreadsheet of how many "hits" I could find of that phrase on the internet, and which debates they referenced. And how often each debate was mentioned.

I'd completely forgotten about this. You wouldn't be up to me. (An exclusively Irish phrase meaning: "That person/group always has some scheme going." Usually understood disreputably, but not necessarily.)

As with most of my projects, I gave up and forgot about it. But here's my findings as they were when I gave up.

Analogue vs. digital 1

Arminianism vs. Calvinism 1

Bernoulli vs. Leibniz 1

Blonde vs. brunette 1

Cardinal vs. ordinal data 1

Determinism vs. non-determinism 1

Einstein vs. Bohrs 1

Faith vs. science 1

Female genre vs. femininity 1

Freedom vs. security 1

God's justice vs. God's mercy 1

Ideal vs. reality 1

Ketchup vs. mustard 1

Left vs. right (toilet paper hanging) 1

Mentalists vs. idealists 1

Modernism vs. Postmodernism 1

Monism vs. dualism 1

Moral universalists vs. moral relativists 2

Nature vs. nurture 2

Optimism vs. pessimism 1

Windows vs. Mac 2

Poetry vs. prose 1

Politics vs. justice 1

Privacy vs. security 2

Quantity vs. quality 2

Rationalists vs. empiricists 1

Reason vs. faith (Islam) 1

Relatives vs. friends 1

Show vs. Tell 1

Simplicity vs. customization 1

Solidarity vs. charity 1

Sovereigntists vs. Federalists (Canada) 1

Storytelling vs. gameplay 1

Strength vs. skills 1

Tea vs. coffee 1

Thoughts vs. emotions 1

Tower vs. trough 1

Renting vs. buying 1

Bartending school vs. learning on the job 1

Kirk vs. Picard 1

Java vs. C/C+ 1

Chicken vs. pig (breakfast) 1

Urbanites vs. surburbanites 1

Liberal vs. conservative 1

Index investing vs. dividend investing 1

Men vs. women 1

Republicans vs. Demorats 1

Blackwing Technician vs. Dark cultist 1

Old money vs. new money 1

Owls vs. owlets 1

Science vs. religion 1

Knowledge vs. skill 1

Mountains vs. beach 1

Lights weights vs. heavy weights (muscle growth) 1


  1. Friends vs. acquaintances! I´ve never been able to really define the differences and it can get on ones nerves to try doing so. How can one know whether someone is a friend per se? Philosophical practical problem, well perhaps so for certain minds only!?!? If it is scrupolous to think about that difference or no, I am not sure either!

    1. My own definition of a friend is that you don't have to prove anything to them. You don't have to be funny or clever or entertaining. And you know you are going to see them again some time.

  2. Lovely capture! I missed to answer this one.
